Closing your garden down for the winter?

Sounds strange doesn't it?


So what does it mean exactly?


Although some gardens in Bexley Bromley Sevenoaks Greenwich and Dartford rarely get used in winter what I mean is not to literally close your garden but the electrics and the appliances within the garden.


Allow me to explain…


Lawnmowers, strimmers, hedge trimmers, pressure washers, extension leads are all items that very often get left for the winter in sheds, under tarpaulins etc.


You should keep all leads wrapped up nicely, off the floor, away from rodents and water.


Check any outside lights or sockets for damage, something that may not bother you in the dry times can play havoc with your electrics when the rain comes.


If not taken care of and maintained electrical items can become dangerous. You should always check the items before use.


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